Saturday, September 27, 2008

Is It About The Money?

Simply put, no. Many of us want to do things in our lives that for reasons we often times choose not to face honestly, we find excuses for not doing. One of the most common of these excuses is the "money excuse". We say things like "If I were rich it would be no problem..." or "I can't afford it" or "That's a waste of money..." The truth is a lot of times we're thinking of doing things that entail living our lives in a way that would make us happy. So what we're really saying when we make the choice not to "afford it" (which is what it is, make no mistake), is that our own happiness isn't worth the money we think it should cost, but I digress. What I'm really asking here is, "Is it really just about the money?" Is that really what's stopping us from doing what we want in these cases? I don't think so.

As an example, let's take Mother Theresa, on her mission in Africa. Everyone would agree that she was not a financially wealthy woman. Things like that were not important to her as she focused her energy and spirit so totally to her cause of making the world better for those people to whom she was so valiantly dedicated. Let’s say she decided that she wanted to be in Disneyland in the next 14 days. Do you think she would have had trouble acquiring the financial resources to make the trip? I’m certain she would have had absolutely no trouble at all, because it’s not about the money. It’s about the intention and the commitment. I think it’s safe to say that no one in our time was more committed than she was. And if that is what she decided she wanted to do, she would have made it happen no matter what. In fact, it's my personal belief that she would have made it happen for herself and as many of the children she worked with to come along as possible. It’s never about the money, unless you allow it to be. Like I said, that's a choice. It's a choice you make...consciously or subconsciously.

Donovan Bradley

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