Wednesday, February 18, 2015


If you're "different," it's likely that you spend a good deal of time alone--at least your free time. That's because even though many claim to be, most aren't all that different.

It's a type of paradox...perhaps an oxymoron even. We want to be different, but we'd still like to feel like we fit in. If we don't, we might end up alone. And you're right, you will. So we have a dilemma. Love ourselves, choose to be different and spend time in "lonely" solitude or think-say-do what the crowd is doing so they don't avoid us. Nobody wants to be a weirdo, right?

The good news is, you're already a weirdo. Everyone is. The more normal you seem, the weirder you are...yes you. So deal with it, and the alone time that comes along with it. It's good for you. It raises your vibration, which means it makes you better. With a higher vibe, higher vibe people like you will come. That's what you want. You also make the whole better--the group, the tribe, the nation, the planet, the whatever. So do it. Bye...

-The Personal Power Coach