Sunday, April 7, 2013

From Where You Are...

Most of us can think of how our lives could be better. If we could just get past this or that, everything would be great. Right? I know I've said just that, I still do sometimes. It's part of being human. We often speak of "What we'll do when..." don't we? That is, if we seek improvement in our lives at all, because it's also easy to get complacent.

Well, this is me challenging you to go for it. Whatever it is that would make you a little more excited about your life and happy to be living it, go get it. Whether it's getting in better shape, or going to Law 50...take a step in that direction today.

Believe it or not, I'm talking to myself as much as anyone else, and resuming my regular posts on this here blog is me doing just what I'm thowing at you. It's a small step, but it's something. That's all I ask. So get to it. Talk to you soon...

The Personal Power Coach

Saturday, April 6, 2013

I'm back!

Hello folks,

I know you've missed me, but I'm back on the job. Yay, right? Right! If you're wondering where I've been, I've been around, but I needed to attend to some important areas of myself and my life. In other words, I had to work on me for a little while. Am I done with that? Of course not, my life is a never-ending project which requires endless tinkering...and sometimes a complete overhaul. However, some recent events were very inspiring and I started getting that urge to share my positivity, or "shine my light again," so to speak. Aren't you glad to have me back? Of course you are! You're welcome hehe...

Well, that's the announcement for the day, and that is all for now. Talk to you soon.
