Friday, September 19, 2008


Let’s talk about worth for a minute. Have you ever given the question "How much am I worth?" any deep thought? If not, go ahead and do it today. Ask yourself this question. Look inside and see what answer comes back, if any. If you don't get an answer, or you're less than satisfied with the one that came back, don't fret. I've got something for you to think about. With all of our technological advances, I'm pretty sure they're at the point where they can actually clone people now. I'm no expert on that, but I have a feeling based on what I've see in media the last few years. Besides, this is all hypothetical anyway. Now, how much do you think it would cost to clone one person? With all of the technology, time and expertise involved, How much do you suppose it costs? I’m guessing anywhere from $1 Million dollars or more (perhaps way more) to clone one human being with everything involved in the process. With all the cutting edge technology and expert human resources, it only makes sense that the process (by most people's standards) is almost ridiculously expensive, wouldn't you agree?

OK, let’s bring it home. Let’s say they cloned you. As beautiful and brilliant as this person who looks just like you might be, and as much as it cost…WHATEVER it cost to create the clone of you, it would NOT be YOU. He or she would have different beliefs, tendencies, opinions, values, experiences and nuances than you. That means you are one of a kind, which means you cannot be replaced. That, my friend, means no amount of money is worth your existence on this planet. That means you’re worth whatever you say you are. The only thing left is for you to decide on that number that makes you happy. Once you've got a clear, specific number that you can accept for yourself then if you haven't already, you must decide how you're going to deliver that much value to the world. When the value you deliver equals the number that makes you happy, you will receive that number. Of course, it isn't as simple as it sounds, but like I always say, Win Anyway. Talk to you soon.

Donovan Bradley

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