Friday, May 8, 2009

Know What You Control

In any given situation, there's one thing you can control: that's yourself. So often I see it, even in myself (though I've improved vastly in this area over the last year or 2), we try to control events, things, and/or people only to find ourselves 1) stressed out/exhausted and 2) usually disappointed. If your peace of mind is at all important to you, it's critically important to remember that you bring yourself, and only yourself, into any situation.

The better you are under the circumstances (meaning the way you think, choose to feel, and act), the better that situation will turn out. It's simple math. What you put into the equation always effects what comes exceptions. It's true that when others are involved their contributions may also have a significant effect on the end result, but again, you can only control your own actions, feelings, and thoughts with 100% certainty so there is where your focus needs to be. This is what the phrase "The Man In The Mirror" means. You can advise, guide, hope, and suggest to others, but it must start and end with you. When it does, and you accept that this is better than wishing and demanding that other things and people (who almost never respond to this anyway) do what you think they should do, happiness will be yours. I was in a sales training course a couple of years ago, and my mentor left me with a great quote in regard advising & influencing people (even when you "know" you're right): he said, "Some will, some won't. So what? Next..." I think that's so brilliant, I wish I'd made it up myself. Talk to you soon.

Donovan Bradley

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