I was asked by someone very near and dear to me to write about the topic represented in the subject line of this post.
Sure, you’ve heard it—it’s been said over and over throughout all of our lives such that the
very phrase is now common knowledge.
However, I venture to differ from this idea’s many followers just a bit.
I think a more valid (and timely) way of seeing this concept is “Opportunity Knows.”
And I think it does, really.
It knows those who seek it earnestly.
It knows those who value it.
It finds us who understand that without it,
nothing would exist.
The entrepreneurs, the salesmen, the challenge seekers, the athletes, the difference makers…all of us who
know there’s a better way.
It may or may not have been discovered yet, but it’s there.
Opportunity knows all of you that believe this.
It caters to
It leaves the rest of the world wondering what it is that “[you’ve] got that they don’t.”
It’s simple really.
You understand that that very concept is the life blood of all humanity and that any and every benefit or advancement we know has come from someone believing
in it before it existed outside of only their own mind.
Take our present political circumstance, for instance.
There are those who would not have believed that the moment that we could GUARANTEE a drastic change in the White House in the areas gender or race would occur in our foreseeable (much less immediate) future.
Two very notable individuals pursued their dreams despite the references that the past provided and have therefore changed history forever because of their actions and beliefs in
Opportunity recognized Mr. Obama’s and Mrs. Clinton’s courage and rewarded US ALL with understanding and wisdom with which to live our own lives by.
Only months later we’re now, no matter which way you choose to vote, virtually guaranteed that there will be a woman or a black man in the White House for the first time ever in our two-hundred-and some-odd-number year history.
Opportunity knows.
Opportunity is a living, breathing energy that responds when attention is paid to it.
Remember that.
Use it.
Live by it…every day.
Donovan Bradley
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