I’ve heard it said that “Success is a journey, not a destination…” I think there is truth in that statement, but I have a slightly different feeling. It’s my personal opinion that success is more of a direction than even a journey. I say this because most of those who feel successful of those I’ve come into contact with were happiest with the control they have over the direction of their lives. Life is a journey, but where is it going? What direction is it headed? That’s the question, in my opinion, when answered best defines success.
Think about it. Whatever is happening in your life in terms of career, wealth, relationships (love, friends or family) or health, if your life is going the way you want it to go, you’re happy. Even if you’re not where you want to be yet, you feel good about what’s happening in your life when you have determined what direction you’re going to go. Now, provided you take action to move on your intentions and ambitions, your life is “headed in the right direction.” That’s when one feels in alignment. That’s when you feel like you’re moving with the current of life and not against it. It feels easy and good, regardless of the current circumstance because you’re now confident that you’re making progress. So get clear on where you want your life to go. Get very clear…crystal clear. Now there’s a target you have a good chance at hitting, yes? So go get it. Bye for now…
Donovan Bradley